Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sleeping Beauty Essay Example

Sleeping Beauty Paper Sleeping Beauty Literature Review The story of Sleeping Beauty has evolved over time and has been changed slightly throughout the different versions. It has changed in order to fit social norms for the time and context has been altered to appeal to the current audiences. The three main versions of Sleeping Beauty are the Charles Perrault in 1697, which was adapted from the original fairy tale Sun, Moon, and Talia by Giambattistas Basile in 1634. Perraults version was a tale of rape, adultery and cannibalism. The Brothers Grimm interpretation, from 1812 that made the story more tame and the Walt Disney version from 1959 that was drawn mainly from the St. Petersburg Ballet version of 1890 and the Grimm Brothers version, obviously this version was cleaned up a lot from the predecessors in order to appeal to a younger and more moralistic audience. Most Fairytales hold a kind of formulae that can be seen in Vladimir Propp’s morphology of the folk tale. His theory suggests that most stories just use the same formulae however in different contexts. Sleeping beauty is a typical example of how mostly all of the characteristics used in storytelling are used in this narrative. Such characteristics used in Sleeping Beauty are the character types. The hero, the villain, the donor, the dispatcher, the helper, the princess and the father or in this case the parents. The fairy godmothers play a huge part in the storyline of sleeping beauty, you could say they act as the donors who provide an object with magical properties, such as the sword given to prince charming that defeats the villain. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleeping Beauty specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sleeping Beauty specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sleeping Beauty specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They are also the dispatchers and the helpers who send the hero in the right direction to save the princess. Although these dont seem like the main characters in the story, they hold together the narrative and fill in the gaps that link the events in the story, also without the fairy godmothers we would be missing out on our fix of magic that is needed in any good fairytale. Propp’s theory suggests that these character types are found in every story or film but are just rearranged for different effects. In Shrek, typical fairytale themes are implemented, however the traditional ideas and social norms found in fairytales are swapped around. ‘Shrek upstages Prince Charming and Princess Fiona saves Shrek from Robin Hood and his merry men’. Women are not necessarily depicted as being an inferior sex nowadays as they were back when the initial story was wrote. Sleeping Beauty came from a time when the lesson was that women should wait quietly for the man who would give them their role in society, Not such the case in modern twists on fairytales. However Propp’s strict order of characters and events is restrictive. The format he suggests may change the way in which text is received, for example if the main character dies, the audience is left unhappy because there has not been a happy ending. It is the typical story line in most childrens fairly tales, where there is a vulnerable female in need of rescue by her Prince Charming. We see this again, and again in stories such as Snow White, Cinderella and  Beauty and the Beast. All of these stories have reoccurring patterns in them such as the evil villain, a spell that needs to be broken, a hero prince who needs to rescue a damsel in distress, all of these elements leading up to a happy ending. Propp’s actions as functions of narratives can also be seen throughout the different stories, they are used to progress the narrative. The preparation, complication, transference, struggle, return and the recognition. Firstly The kingdom is preparing for the new born of the king and queen, whilst this gives the villain an incentive to complicate things and upset the palace, In great joy brings great upset this is common at the beginning of most stories, something bad must happen in order to be fixed. Sleeping beauty is then transferred to a safe house in the woods in the Disney version and we meet the prince who is gifted a magical sword by the fairy godmothers, and therefore transferred into the hero. After Sleeping beauty pricks her finger and falls into the deep sleep, the struggle is then on to revive her. The prolonged period of time that varies between the stories depends on the hero, whom overcomes the evil villain with the help of the good fairies. The penultimate sequence in which the hero defeats the villain transformed into the dragon, to me resembles the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. The prince then finds the princess and gives her the kiss of life and she is awoken. He then returns with the princess and gets recognised as a hero when they get married. However this is not the end in the Charles Perrault version as the prince’s mother is not happy with the marriage, and tries to eat the princess and the newly married couples children, eventually she throws herself into a vat of vipers and dies. There are quite vast differences in the plots of Perrault’s version and the Grimm brother’s adaptation. Most of the beginning part of the Perrault version is the same as the brothers Grimm adaptation, it is the second part that is altered. Perrault was also one of the last interpreters of the tale to avoid waking Beauty with a kiss. Most of the versions written and produced since then have used the kiss to awaken the sleeping princess. Instead she was awoken when she was ready to give birth to her baby that had been unwillingly forced upon her whilst she was asleep. The overall conceit of Aurora â€Å"awakening† to a man’s kiss suggests that her maturity may indeed be a sexual one. ’ It is thought that the story was changed in this way to  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœappeal  to the opulent court and aristocracy of Louis XIV of France’. In the Charles Perrault version, the prince’s mother who is an ogre attempts to eat sleeping beauties children, which sounds like more of a horror story than a fairy-tale. The Brothers Grimm version left out this part of the story all together as did Walt Disney’s version because this is far too gruesome for a make-believe story. Also, another variation is that in Perrault’s adaptation the princess is asleep for 100 years and her prince comes to her after hearing about the legend of her generations later. In the Disney movie and the brothers Grimm adaptations, the princess is only asleep long enough for the prince to defeat the villain and give her the kiss of life. Maybe this was altered from the original because of the idea of never seeing your loved ones again was too traumatic for a modern audience and especially children. The good fairies puts the residents of the kingdom under a temporary sleep whilst sleeping beauty is under the spell to lower social panic. Charles Perrault’s version also includes more than 3 fairies bestowing gifts on the young princess, and the villain in the story being an aged fairy that everyone thought was dead. The story of Sleeping Beauty focuses mainly on the seemingly idealistic views that ‘true love conquers all’ and that ‘home is where the heart is’. Sleeping beauty and fairytales in general give people a hope and fantastical view on life and appeal to a modern audience because they allow for a type of escapism. For those that have been in love can relate to the stories. Dream like scenarios where all is not real but the situations are similar to those that happen in real life. 1280 words Bibliography Katy C. Peck. (19/01/08). Analytical Essay – Sleeping Beauty. http://www. helium. com/items/806737-analytical-essay-sleeping-beauty Date Accessed 01/03/11 English National Ballet. http://www. ballet. org. uk/the-sleeping-beauty/the-sleeping-beauty-story. html Date Accessed 28/02/11 Notes on Sleeping Beauty. http://www. sparknotes. com/film/sleepingbeauty/themes. tml. Date Accessed 05/03/11 Notes on Characters in Sleeping Beauty. http://www. sparknotes. com/film/sleepingbeauty/characters. html Date Accessed 05/03/11 Tales from the Brothers Grimm http://www. yankeeweb. com/library/storytime/grimmbros/grimmbros_56. html Date Accessed 05/03/11 John K. Davis. (26/01/09). The story behind sleeping beauty, early versions weren’t meant for adults. http://www. suite101. com/content/the-sto ry-of-sleeping-beauty-a92332 Date Accessed 26/02/11 Propps Theory. http://www. adamranson. plus. com/Propp. htm Date Accessed 26/02/11 Charles Perrault, Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. http://www. pitt. edu/~dash/perrault01. html Date Accessed 26/01/11 Perraults Fairy Tales  (New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1969), pp. 3-21 Heidi Anne Heiner. (26/08/10). http://www. surlalunefairytales. com/sleepingbeauty/history. html Date Accessed 02/03/11 Sleeping Beauty, Brothers Grimm Summary. http://www. grimmstories. com/en/grimm_fairy-tales/sleeping_beauty. Date Accessed 23/02/11 Diana Katheryn Geleskie ; Vannessa Colberg. Walt Disneys Sleeping Beauty, a literary approach. 9/ 04/09 (http://people. setonhill. edu/gel7219/sleepingbeautyliterarycritique/fairytalecanon. html Vladimir Propp (1968) Morphology of the Folktale. University of Texas Press.. http://www. scribd. com/doc/37368054/Fairy-Tales. Date Accessed 25/02/11 [ 1 ]. http://www. adamranson. plus. com/Propp. htm [ 2 ]. http://www. helium. com/items/806737-analytical-essay-sleeping-beauty [ 3 ]. http://www. sparknotes. com/film/sleepingbeauty/themes. html [ 4 ]. htt p://www. bookrags. com/essay-2006/3/14/221714/758

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Slumps

â€Å"A quest is defined as a search, pursuit or journey. In every quest there are lessons learned along the way that will challenge and test, but ultimately enlighten those involved.† - Unknown When reading this quote carefully, it contains some very important information that helps answer many people’s personal problems. A quest can be anything in a person’s life. A long term goal is a perfect example of a quest. Everyone has a quest, whether it’s getting into a university or striving for that special something. The second half of the quote is the most important to the reader. It states that quests contain lessons that will challenge and test those involved. These challenges and tests can also be referred to as slumps. The word slump, is most commonly used in sports. Many athletes fall into slumps at one point in their career. The way to handle oneself in this period can make or break one’s post slump performance. Personally, I have had many experiences with slumps, sometimes I handled them perfectly and other times I handled them insufficiently. There are some advantages to knowing how to handle these adversities. The first step of being in a slump is realization. A person must come to terms that he or she is lacking in performance. When an athlete is in this first step it is incredibly easy to fall deeper into it. This struggle can build up so quickly that one can feel overwhelmed with his or her mistakes. Mistakes are the number one reason an athlete falls into this underachieving. Mistakes lead up to an extreme case of discouragement, which in turn lead to a more severe slump. Slumps are a accumulation of mistakes that are built up over time. These negative thoughts are the foundation of this struggle. The next step of the â€Å"slump process† is getting out of the slump. There are many reasons that one can get out of this struggle. But the easiest way an athlete can beat the slump is to focus on th... Free Essays on Slumps Free Essays on Slumps â€Å"A quest is defined as a search, pursuit or journey. In every quest there are lessons learned along the way that will challenge and test, but ultimately enlighten those involved.† - Unknown When reading this quote carefully, it contains some very important information that helps answer many people’s personal problems. A quest can be anything in a person’s life. A long term goal is a perfect example of a quest. Everyone has a quest, whether it’s getting into a university or striving for that special something. The second half of the quote is the most important to the reader. It states that quests contain lessons that will challenge and test those involved. These challenges and tests can also be referred to as slumps. The word slump, is most commonly used in sports. Many athletes fall into slumps at one point in their career. The way to handle oneself in this period can make or break one’s post slump performance. Personally, I have had many experiences with slumps, sometimes I handled them perfectly and other times I handled them insufficiently. There are some advantages to knowing how to handle these adversities. The first step of being in a slump is realization. A person must come to terms that he or she is lacking in performance. When an athlete is in this first step it is incredibly easy to fall deeper into it. This struggle can build up so quickly that one can feel overwhelmed with his or her mistakes. Mistakes are the number one reason an athlete falls into this underachieving. Mistakes lead up to an extreme case of discouragement, which in turn lead to a more severe slump. Slumps are a accumulation of mistakes that are built up over time. These negative thoughts are the foundation of this struggle. The next step of the â€Å"slump process† is getting out of the slump. There are many reasons that one can get out of this struggle. But the easiest way an athlete can beat the slump is to focus on th...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Difference Between Sea Lions and Seals

The Difference Between Sea Lions and Seals The term seal is often used to refer to both seals and sea lions, but there are several characteristics that set seals and sea lions apart. Below you can learn about the differences that set seals and sea lions.   Seals, sea lions, and walruses are all in the order Carnivora and suborder Pinnipedia, thus they are called â€Å"pinnipeds.† Pinnipeds are mammals that are well-adapted for swimming. They usually have a streamlined barrel shape and four flippers at the end of each limb.  As mammals, they also give birth to live young and nurse their young. Pinnipeds are insulated with blubber and fur.   Pinniped Families There are three families of pinnipeds: the Phocidae, the earless or true seals; the Otariidae, the eared seals, and the Odobenidae, the walrus. This article focuses on the difference between the earless seals (seals) and the eared seals (sea lions). Characteristics of Phocidae (Earless or True Seals) Earless seals have no visible ear flaps, although they still have ears, which may be visible as a dark spot or small hole on the side of their head.   True seals: Have no external ear flaps.Swim with their hind flippers. Their hind flippers always face backward and are furred.Have front flippers that are short, furry and stubby in appearance.Have two or four teats.Can be found in both marine and freshwater environments. Examples of earless (true) seals: Harbor (common) seal (Phoca vitulina), grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), harp seal (Phoca groenlandica), elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), and monk seal  (Monachus schauinslandi). Characteristics ofOtariidae (Eared Seals, Including Fur Seals and Sea Lions) One of the most noticeable features of eared seals is their ears, but they also move around differently than true seals.   Eared seals: Have external ear flaps.Have four teats.Are only found in marine environments.  Swim with their front flippers. Unlike earless seals, their hind flippers can turn forward, and they are better able to walk, and even run, on their flippers. The seals you may see performing at marine parks are often sea lions.May congregate in larger groups than true seals. Sea lions are much more vocal than true  seals, and make a variety of loud, barking noises. Examples of eared seals: Steller’s sea lion (​Eumetopias jubatus), California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), and Northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus). Characteristics of Walruses Wondering about walruses, and how they differ from seals and sea lions? Walruses are pinnipeds, but they are in the family, Odobenidae. One obvious difference between walruses, seals and sea lions is that walruses are the only pinnipeds with tusks. These tusks are  present in both males and females. Other than tusks, walruses have some similarities to both seals and sea lions. Like true seals, walruses dont have visible ear flaps. But, like eared seals, walruses can walk on their flippers by rotating their hind flippers under their body.   References and Further Information Berta, A. Pinnipedia, Overview. In  Perrin, W.F., Wursig, B. and J.G.M. Thewissen. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press. p. 903-911. NOAA National Ocean Service. Whats the Difference Between Seals and Sea Lions?. Accessed September 29, 2015. NOAA Office of Protected Resources. 2008. †Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions (Online). NOAA. Retrieved November 23, 2008.and Walruses† Waller, Geoffrey, ed. 1996. SeaLife: A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Statistics for Managers Class Discussion wk5 Essay

Statistics for Managers Class Discussion wk5 - Essay Example In business the population mean can be applied on a study using a focus group as a parameter of the whole population. He focus group can be used to sample new products and get reactions from the consumers. The population mean represents the true opinion of the entire population. During elections most opinion poll the voters predict the winning candidate this has been done for the major media houses to make consumers glued to their channels during heated campaign periods. Thus during the period the media houses make their money on adverts as the candidates use the polls advertise themselves on the weaker area of electorate. Most drug and pharmaceuticals company test their drugs on a certain focus group to test the curative and side effects of vaccine, cure drugs and cosmetics. Most recently GlaxoSmithKline and NewLinkGenetics were conducting focus group trials on Ebola virus; as a result of outbreak in West Africa (Daniel Flynn, 2014). Most consumer goods have a warranty, the risk of return of the product is calculated from the margin of error of producing a defective product. Daniel Flynn, R.-J. B. (2014, November 14). Exclusive: MSF should have called for Ebola vaccine earlier. Retrieved from Reuters:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Managing Business Relationships Laws Case Study

Managing Business Relationships Laws - Case Study Example John never said anything signifying a retraction of that offer and neither party made a counter-offer because Lee accepted the terms. John knowingly withheld the change in terms he was aware of because he knew Lee would not accept those terms. This sort of knowing deception can often void a contract. Because there is nothing in writing stating that Computerlink would provide support service 24 hour 7 days a week, it will be difficult for RCL to prove that this oral agreement existed. If Computerlink admits to saying that or if RCL somehow proves they said that, Computerlink will be held legally responsible for their breach of the contract. Dave, a young assistant of the chief technician of Computerlink, is left at RCL to wrap things up and finish the job. It was his responsibility to lock up and set the alarm system before he left, but he failed to do so. This failure to comply with necessary procedures allowed for some rowdy teens to cause an immense amount of damage to the property of RCL. While it may seem that Dave is to be held responsible, the Employment Relations Act of 2000 puts forth that Computerlink is to be held responsible. ... Law: Employment Relations Act 2000 - Employers are responsible for damage caused by their employees as it pertains to their employment. Special damages - compensate for damages that can be measured numerically/monetarily Direct losses - compensation for just the things that were damaged Consequential losses - compensation for loss of profits due to being closed to deal with or fix damages Application: Dave, a young assistant of the chief technician of Computerlink, is left at RCL to wrap things up and finish the job. It was his responsibility to lock up and set the alarm system before he left, but he failed to do so. This failure to comply with necessary procedures allowed for some rowdy teens to cause an immense amount of damage to the property of RCL. While it may seem that Dave is to be held responsible, the Employment Relations Act of 2000 puts forth that Computerlink is to be held responsible. Employers are responsible for any damage that may be caused by their employees while they are on the job. RCL will be able to claim special damages from Computerlink. This will include the direct losses of the cost associated with cleaning and replacing the walls and blinds and possibly also the consequential losses that may be felt if RCL must be closed while those damages are being repaired and thus lose profits. Conclusion: RCL can hold Computerlink legally responsible for the cost of cleaning and replacing the damaged walls and blinds. Section Two - Management - Question 1 After Red's death, new changes for Red Carpet Ltd. (RCL) were discussed and agreed upon by Lee, Mike and Janet. These changes involved new responsibilities for the staff. Lee and Mike utilized different strategies for initiating these changes, and with them came different benefits

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nursing Knowledge through the Nursing Process Essay Example for Free

Nursing Knowledge through the Nursing Process Essay â€Å"The assessment phase of the nursing process is foundational for appropriate diagnosis, planning and , (Ackley Ladwig, 2014, p3). This beginning phase of the nursing process is important for many reasons. Not only are we meeting our patients for the first time but we collect but object and subjective data to put together and create a picture of our patient. The nurse makes an assessment of the patient, utilizing all the information that is gathered and can better understand their needs. Each nurse, through time and practice, fine tunes these assessment tools needed to go even further into a patients needs such as the holistic approach of mind, body and spirit. Assessment information gathering is done by looking at the patient’s chart, discussing with the patient about their history, and even through communication with the family members. The subjective date we can gather from the patient and family can help us understand how they are feeling or thinking. A thorough health and medical history are important so that we can implement the best care designed specifically for that patient. The physical assessment is also important; this gives us objective information regarding the patient’s current vitals signs, physical head to toe and any diagnostic’s previously done or that need to be completed. The information that gathered in this phase helps create the next phase which is formulating a nursing diagnosis. Diagnosis Phase â€Å"In the diagnosis phase of the nursing process, the nurse begins clustering the information within the client story and formulating and formulates an evaluative judgment about a client’s health , (Ackley Ladwig, 2014, p3). After a nurse gathers all the subjective and objective information about the patient alone with using their knowledge, we formulate a diagnosis using â€Å"NANDA, â€Å"North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. There is a list of  nursing diagnosis related to primary clinical issues and may or may not have secondary issues too. The patient may also have many different diagnosis’ that need to treat as well, so the gathering information phase prior to the diagnosis phase is paramount. â€Å" A working nursing diagnosis may have two or three parts. The two-part system consists of a nursing diagnosis and the ‘related to’ (r/t) statement†¦. â€Å"The three-part system consists of a nursing diagnosis. The ‘related to’ (r/t) statement and the designing characteristics, which are observable cues/inferences that cluster as manifestations of actual or wellness nursing diagnosis† (Ackley Ludwig, 2014, p4). This three-part system helps the nurse understand the primary diagnosis and the symptoms involved and what those symptoms may be related to. Creating a nursing diagnosis takes into consideration all data collected, other health issues (chronic or acute), symptoms that need to be treated and taking it all in with a holistic approach as a nurse. The Outcomes / Planning Phase According to King (1997), In this phase the nurse is able to use the prior steps of the nursing process and build off of it for the Outcome/Planning phase. The nurse formulates a course of action based on the her assessment and nursing diagnosis. The nurse uses her critical thinking abilities to prioritize and develops specific nursing interventions and documents her plan accordingly. Implementation Phase The implementation phase of the nursing process is the stage where the nurse can put her nursing assessment to action. The Nurse Intervention Classification or NIC, is a system that defines nursing interventions and clusters them into families of therapies and treatments that gear toward a specific problem. According to Forbes, Nursing requires robust clinical research to show that its interventions do not harm and have a beneficial effect. In this vital stage of the nursing process, there is a certain level of knowledge needed effectively to accomplish a positive outcome for the patient. At this point, a substantial amount of scientific knowledge is also needed so to understand how the interventions that are chosen, will impact the outcome for the patient. (Forbes, 2009) The knowledge needed at this point are as follows: †¢Nurse must be able to understanding the medical knowledge of the diagnosis and how it impacts the patients physical and psychosocial functions †¢Nurse must be able to determine if the intervention will produce the desired outcome for the patient based on scientific research. †¢Nurse must know what equipment or resources needed for the chosen intervention †¢Nurse must know the patients current status , to be sure the intervention is still relevant †¢Nurse must be aware of patients spiritual and culture needs that may potentially hinder the interventions outcome. †¢Nurse must know what evidence will determine the effectiveness of the intervention Evaluation Phase The nursing knowledge is needed and describes the scientific basis of nursing knowledge. Evaluation is defined as the judgment of the effectiveness of nursing care to meet the patient’s goals. According to King (1997), in this step of the nursing process the nurse compares the patient’s behavioral responses with predetermined patients goals and outcome criteria. Evaluation is the final step in the nursing process. Although evaluation is the final step in the nursing process, it has concurrently run throughout all phases of the nursing process. The nursing knowledge that is needed in the Evaluation step of the nursing process in: Nurses must be able to identify criteria and standards. Nurses must be able to evaluate collected data. Nurses must be able to interpret and synthesise data. Nurses must be able to document findings and identify when goals are met, or when to revise, update, change or complete the care plan. References (2014). In B. J. Ackley, G. B. Ladwig, Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Tenth Edition. Missouri: Mosby. Forbes, A. (2009). Clinical Intervention Research in Nursing . International Journal of Nursing Studies, pg 557-568. King JA, Morris LL, Fitz-Gibbon CT. How to Assess Program Implementation

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Health Problems Linked to Smoking Tobacco :: Papers

Health Problems Linked to Smoking Tobacco It is a universally accepted fact that smoking cigarettes or tobacco is detrimental to your health. There is an endless list of health problems that are directly caused or affected by smoking, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and emphysema. Short-term effects of smoking include a significant increase in heart rate and a drop in skin temperature. Respiration rate is also increased. In novice smokers, diarrhea and vomiting may occur. Although the central nervous system is, in fact, stimulated by smoking, smokers usually feel it relaxes them. Long-term effects are mainly on the bronchiopulmonary and cardiovascular systems. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer (related to 90% of all lung cancer cases). Other factors, notably industrial carcinogens may be involved, especially among smokers. An average smoker is ten times more likely to get lung cancer than in a nonsmoker. Smoking is estimated to be responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths. It is also associated with cancers of the mouth, throat, colon, pancreas, bladder, kidneys, stomach, and cervix, and related to 75% of chronic bronchitis cases and 80% of emphysema cases. Tobacco also affects the digestive system. Gastric and duodenal (the upper section of the small intestine) ulcers are twice as common and twice as likely to cause death in smokers as in nonsmokers. Skin wounds may heal less quickly in smokers, partly because smoking depletes the body of vitamin C. Smokers may also have less effective immune systems than nonsmokers. Tobacco use is associated with 25% to 30% of all cardiovascular disease. Smokers have a 70% higher rate of coronary heart disease than nonsmokers, nearly twice the risk of heart attack, and five times the risk of stroke. Tobacco use can lead to physical and psychological dependence on nicotine, particularly in cigarette smokers. The United States Surgeon General's 1988 report states that "cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are just as addicting as heroin and cocaine." People who are physically dependent on tobacco suffer a withdrawal reaction when they stop using it. Some signs of withdrawal are: irritability, anxiety, headaches, sleep disturbances (insomnia or drowsiness), difficulty concentrating, decreased heart rate and increased appetite, and a craving for nicotine.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Carbon dioxide Essay

Do not write outside the box around each page or on blank pages. ? Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. ? The maximum mark for this paper is 45. ? You are expected to use a calculator where appropriate. ? You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers. ? Advice ? In all calculations, show clearly how you work out your answer. (Jan12CHy1H01) K76507 6/6/6 CHY1H 2 Answer all questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box 1 Petroleum diesel is a fuel made from crude oil. Biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils. To make biodiesel, large areas of land are needed to grow crops from which the vegetable oils are extracted. Large areas of forest are cleared by burning the trees to provide more land for growing these crops. Leave as forest Forest Produce food Burn the trees Grow crops Produce biodiesel 1 (a) 1 (a) (i) Use this information and your knowledge and understanding to answer these questions. Carbon neutral means that there is no increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Woman in White – Letter from Marian to Walter

Dear Mr Hartright, Forgive me, as I would usually start my letter to a dear friend asking how they are and wishing them all the best. However, without further ado, I must go straight into the dreadful events that have occurred since your departure from Limmeridge House. Whilst by no means do I intend to put any weight on your shoulders or worry you unnecessarily, I feel it is my duty to let you know of the disheartening proceedings which have taken place. Sir Percival Glyde and my poor, innocent little sister Laura have returned from their honeymoon, and moved into his appalling and run down estate, Blackwater Park in Hampshire. Simply writing the name gives me shivers, my friend. It’s absolutely dreadful! The unkempt quarters are no place for a young woman to live. The dark, eerie atmosphere and the overgrown sinister looking trees are enough to make anyone wish to flee as soon as possible. As you will recall, shortly before your departure, you and I discussed matters concerning that of Anne Catherick. I doubt since leaving you will have thought further into the case, Mr Hartright, and in honesty, neither had I. A little while ago I was passing through the grounds of this dreadful place where my petite young sister would shortly move in to, and I heard a noise that seemed to be coming from the boathouse. The clamour resembled a faint whining noise; the sound of a pained creature fighting for survival. Sympathetic and concerned, I naturally decided to investigate the source of this noise. Upon entering the boathouse, I found a dog whimpering in pain. The poor creature was curled on the floor, blood seeping from its helpless body. Without a second thought, I picked up the deprived being in my arms. In an attempt to staunch the flow of blood, I put pressure on its wounds in hope that the defenceless mortal might be able to continue its journey. Upon presenting this injured animal to Sir Percival, he was furious. At first I could not comprehend why the sight of this unwell animal was enough to send Sir Percival into a flying rage. However, Mr Hartright, I was soon to find out the precise reasons why. Now, Mr Hartright, it would seem that Anne Catherick’s involvement with Sir Percival is far greater than we had ever imagined possible. I discovered a little later on that the dog belonged to Mrs Catherick; Anne Catherick’s mother. Mrs Catherick has been secretly visiting these dreadful grounds in an attempt to uncover more details about her daughter. You may recall that the last time we discussed matters involving Anne Catherick that it was not long after her letter to my sister, in which she revealed the terrible things she knew about Sir Percival. You and I my dear friend decided it best that we find her and attempt to talk to her but if you recollect, this was to no avail. Before we could resolve the matter, you had already made your departure from Limmeridge House. It pains me to inform you, my dear friend that this is not least of the bad news. I also regret to inform you that Sir Percival’s drinking problem has worsened. For a short period of time, it seemed hopeful and possible that an end to this horrific crisis could be in sight. Alas, this was not to be. The baronet’s temper is spiralling out of control and his anger appears to be growing each and every day, in direct proportion to the quantity of alcohol he consumes. I have, however, grown increasingly wary of one man in particular, Mr Hartright. His name is Count Fosco. He’s not quite what he seems. When I was first introduced to him, I believed him to be a trustworthy man; I was captivated by him. He appeared to be a very intelligent, sensitive and understanding person, whose words would linger in the air as they rolled off his tongue. I turned out to be very wrong. His charming manner compliments his strange and wonderful character, making me believe he was the kind of person to stay true to his word – an honest man. Unfortunately I could not have been more wrong. I overheard Sir Percival Glyde passing words, foolishly loudly, through dishonest means, with his deceiving friend Count Fosco. They were discussing their plan to obtain Laura’s money. Appalled and shocked, I continued to listen closely, and it soon became apparent that the baronet was in great debt and in desperate and urgent need of money. These sinful men deemed it reasonable to try to force a young, innocent woman – not involved in the matter – to pass over all her money, the money her late father left her, to this evil and egotistic monster. The controlling demon tried to force Laura to sign a document. She refused, and I backed her up, of course. He may be a powerful man, but my sister is a strong minded individual and I refuse to let anyone take advantage of her. At that moment, Sir Percival left Blackwater House, raging with fury. It’s clear to me that this man is not accustomed to having his wishes rejected. Without doubt, he is used to getting his way on matters. Not only is he a typical male figure, but he also has a higher status than almost all of his acquaintances; he believes this is reason enough that eople should abide by his rules. It’s simply the only explanation for why Percival dealt with this matter in such a foolish manner. As I’m sure you can imagine, my sister was extremely distraught by the events which had taken place recently. I felt so incredibly helpless that I could not offer her any alternative or solution. I could support her to stay strong, but I could not help, believing I was fundamentally useless – you see I wanted to help so much, Mr Hartright. Laura and I are only half-sisters, but we feel so very close. She always looks up to me for help, and unfortunately I had nothing to offer in this circumstance but sympathy and reassuring words. I was of course extremely relieved at Sir Percival’s departure, however deep down I was worried as to what would happen next. I could tell that the worst wasn’t over, and had an awful feeling more desperate acts of evil were to come. A few days passed after Glyde’s departure and Laura made a visit to the old boathouse in which I had found the wounded dog. I was taken aback after finding out that my dear sister had herself met with Anne Catherick there. On returning, Laura explained to me all that had happened. Miss Catherick had revealed to her that it in fact it was she who had written the alarming warning letter and that it was also she who had warned my sister of the evil baronet. I was also intrigued to discover that Miss Catherick revealed she knew a terrible secret about Sir Percival. An horrific, appalling and disastrous secret that she would subsequently disclose. Unfortunately, Laura explained that before she could learn of this awful secret from Miss Catherick, she was startled by something sudden, and fled as soon as she could. Laura told of how afraid Miss Catherick was, and how her face had the word ‘fear’ written all over it. That is the precise phrase she used. I apologise that in this letter I could not impart any good news. I urge you to make of this information what you will, Mr Hartright. I hope you realise why I felt the need to make this communication, and I hope it doesn’t detract from your trip away; I thought it best to inform you before your return and warn you of all that has happened before you find out from a second hand source upon your return. I regret to inform you that this isn’t all of the bad occurrences which have arisen. More unimaginable dealings have taken place, but that, my good friend, is for another letter. I have already burdened you considerably. I pray that the situation currently upon us can somehow be resolved in the foreseeable future, and I hope this letter finds you well and that your trip to America has been fruitful and enlightening. I look forward to your return. Yours faithfully, Marian Halcombe.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Product Life Cycle- McDonalds Essays

Product Life Cycle- McDonalds Essays Product Life Cycle- McDonalds Essay Product Life Cycle- McDonalds Essay Name: Class: Instructor: Date: Product Life Cycle- McDonalds McDonalds is one of the mostly recognized and best-known brands worldwide. It is the world’s largest hamburger and fast foods chain of restaurants. The food store has a customer base of about fifty million customers daily. Its business plan is structured in a way that a branch might be owned by the corporation, an affiliate or a franchisee. The company deals in cheeseburgers, chicken products, hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks, desserts and shakes. The company has grown considerably over the years since it has opened branches in several states across America. The company is also found in 119 countries around the world. The company earns its revenues by investing in properties and franchising together with operating of restaurants. The company is in the market maturity stage of the product life cycle. In this stage, the strong growth in sales by the company is diminishing. At this stage of the product life cycle the competition may appear with similar products like Burger King is doing to McDonalds. The primary objective that a company should focus on when at this stage of the product life cycle is to defend its market share and try to maximize it profits. At this stage also, the features of its products might be enhanced or the company might try to implement other products in order to create a stiff competition for its competitors (Sparks 12). For instance, the company has introduced a new type of food called a salad that targets its health-minded customers. The pricing of the foodstuffs have also been revised lower to fight the competition. The distribution plan of the company has also been revised to become more intensive and with increased incentives to encourage customers to choose McDonalds over its competitors. All these characteristics are of a company in the maturity stage and so is the McDonald’s company. Among the three positioning strategies, McDonalds uses the breakaway positioning strategy. This strategy is where the product escapes from its original category and deliberately associates itself with another product. The marketers of the product change the category in which the products are consumed and the competitors with whom they compete with (Youngme 89). The strategy selection that McDonalds has chosen is indeed fit for the company since it deals with products. Since products are tangible and due to the constant exposure the consumers learn how to easily encounter and experience new features while the products still evolve. The consumers have a welcoming feel to the new product options. However, this only occurs where the product is mature in the market and only where the purchasing of the item is routine and mundane. This is indeed how the McDonalds products are structured since their customers buy them regularly and is a sort of a routine exercise for them. The continued extending of the brands gives diversity to the products which is what the consumers seek and what might keep them faithful to the brand but however, if the product keeps on increasing in diversity, the ignition of passionate buying that the breakaway system ignites are reduced (Sparks 14). Breakaway positioning makes it easy for customers and consumers to make judgments of familiar products and increases their desire for uniqueness. The type of positioning also fends off competition by limiting the efforts of copycats. Companies mostly dealing with products should acquire the breakaway positioning strategy by trying to combine the unique features found in their products in all categories. This can make the company actually develop a maturity for their product and make it grow further. Companies should also remember that their distribution channels, their promotions, the design of their product and their product pricing determine greatly what category the product shall fall in, in the market. Youngme, Moon. â€Å"Break Free From The Product Life Cycle†. Harvard Business Review (2005): 87-94. Print. Sparks, John. â€Å"Different Ways to Think about Products†. MKT 301 Web Notes: Products and Brands. (n.d.). Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Conjugate French Regular -IR Verbs

How to Conjugate French Regular '-IR' Verbs There are five main kinds of verbs in French: regular -er, -ir, -re, stem-changing, and irregular. Once youve learned the rules of conjugation for each of the first three kinds of verbs, you should have no problem conjugating regular verbs in each of those categories. Regular -ir verbs are the second-largest category of French verbs. Indeed, these verbs are often referred to as second conjugation verbs. The verb form that ends in -ir is called the infinitive, and -ir is the infinitive ending. (In English, by contrast, the infinitive is the verb preceded by the word to.) The French verb with the infinitive ending removed is called the stem or radical.   Conjugating Regular French -ir  Verbs To conjugate regular  -ir  French verbs, its best to run through an example, step by step. Conjugate the French word  choisir  (to choose), for example, by following these steps: Remove the infinitive ending (-ir)  to find the stem (also called the radical).Note that the stem- the verb without  the  -ir ending- is  chois.Add the appropriate simple conjugation ending/s shown in the table in the next section. Note that the conjugation table below does not include  the  compound tenses, which consist of  a form of the auxiliary verb  and  the past participle.  Choisir  normally requires the auxiliary verb  avoir  (to have) in  compound tenses and moods. For  example,  Jai  choisi  would  transelate  as I have chosen. But, if you were to extend the sentence, you would delete the  present perfect, as in:   Jai  choisi  deux  là ©gumes verts. I picked (chose) two green vegetables.   Example Conjugations To conjugate an -ir verb in the present tense, remove the infinitive ending and then add the appropriate endings. For example, here are the present tense conjugations for the regular -ir verbs  choisir,  finir  (to finish), and  rà ©ussir  (to succeed): Pronoun Ending choisir chois- finir fin- russir russ- Je -is choisis finis russis Tu -is choisis finis russis Il -it choisit finit russit Nous -issons choisissons finissons russissons Vous -issez choisissez finissez russissez Ils -issent choisissent finissent russissent Some Common French Regular -ir Verbs French regular -ir verbs, the second largest group of French verbs, share a  conjugation pattern. Here are just a few of the most common regular - ir verbs: Abolir  Ã‚  to abolishAgir  Ã‚  to actAvertir  Ã‚   to warnBà ¢tir  Ã‚  to buildChoisir  Ã‚  to chooseà ©tablir  Ã‚  to establishà ©tourdir  Ã‚  to stun, deafen, make dizzyFinir  Ã‚  to finishGrossir  Ã‚  to gain weight, get fatGuà ©rir  Ã‚  to cure, heal, recoverMaigrir  Ã‚  to lose weight, get thinNourrir  Ã‚  to feed, nourishObà ©ir   to obeyPunir  Ã‚  to punishRà ©flà ©chir  Ã‚  to reflect, thinkRemplir  Ã‚  to fillRà ©ussir  Ã‚  to succeedRougir  Ã‚  to blush, turn redVieillir  Ã‚  Ã‚  to grow old Exceptions: Irregular -ir Verbs Most of the French -ir verbs are regular verbs, which conform to the previously discussed rules for conjugation. Its important to keep in mind that there are a number of  irregular -ir verbs  in French. These verbs can be tricky, but there is some good news: Only about 50 irregular -ir verbs exist in French, and they have only 16 conjugations. To simplify things further, most of those fall into just three groups. The first group of irregular  -ir  verbs is essentially conjugated like the verb  partir  (to leave).  This  group includes such verbs as: Consentir   to consentDà ©partir  Ã‚  to accordDormir   to sleep  Endormir  Ã‚  to put/send to sleep The second group consists of verbs that end in  s of these verbs include: Couvrir  Ã‚  to cover  Cueillir  Ã‚  to pick  Ã‚  Dà ©couvrir   to discoverEntrouvrir  Ã‚  to half-open In the third group, verbs such as  tenir  (to hold) and  venir  (to come) and their derivatives follow a shared conjugation pattern in the present tense. Note, however, a major difference in the compound tenses:  Venir  and most of its derivatives use  Ãƒ ªtre  as their  auxiliary verb, while  tenir  and its derivatives use  avoir. Wild Cards The remaining irregular  -ir  verbs dont follow a pattern.  You just have to memorize the conjugations for each of the following verbs separately. Luckily, they are among the most frequently used French verbs, so memorizing their conjugations is completely worth the trouble. They include: Acquà ©rir   to  acquire  Ã‚  Asseoir   to sitAvoir  Ã‚  to haveConquà ©rir   to  conquerCourir  Ã‚  to run

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Food and Beverages Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Food and Beverages - Assignment Example fered, there are numerous choices to undertake in the processes involved such as planning for the services, securing of orders, delivering the orders, preparing and settling the bills, washing of equipments and planning the next service. Customer process refers to procedure a customer follow when receiving food or beverages. Generally the customer process system involves; serving customer at a laid table, customer self-service from the counter, assisted service where the customer is serviced with some meals and then practice self-service with other parts of the meal, single point service where placing of order, clearing the bill and receiving the service occurs at the same point) and then specialized service where the orders are delivered to the clients wherever they are located (Kotler, Bowen & Makens, 2006. P. 46). Food and beverages have unique characteristics that manipulate the production and service decision. For example, the demand for food and beverages is intermittent because during breakfast, lunch and dinner the demand is at the climax while the rest of the time demand remains low. Demand for food and beverages varies with seasonal of the year and may be affected by other factors such as production and competitive activities (Adcock, Halborg and Ross, 2001.p. 85). The production of food and beverages is labour intensive hence shift in cost of labour will have a serious effect on the service systems. The perishable nature of food and beverages affects the handling processes during and after preparation. Season: Most of the food and beverage are available for a limited period during the year. Therefore, when supplies are on the season they will be available for sale to the customer but will become unavailable during the off season (Reid and Botanic, 2006. P. 31). Equipment, personnel and storage facilities: even if conventional service system would be economic because food could be stored during the production season, there is limited capacity for